I tried an early “miracle morning” routine and this is what happened

I’m sure by now you’ve all heard about it. You may have tried it. You may even swear by it.

You know… The whole “wake up ridiculously early and do a bunch of stuff” routine.

Anyone in the personal development circles “knows” this is the key to success, happiness and productivity… *chuckles*

Well, at the beginning of 2019, I participated in the “Mindset Reset” with Mel Robbins and was inspired to implement something of my own.

The main things I remember from the program are:

  1. Don’t take your cell phone into your bedroom. Leave it outside the bedroom at night. Also, don’t check it first thing in the morning.
  2. Implement a morning routine. Set your intention for the day, and do a bunch of stuff, before you check your phone.

Mel likes to share scientific research and facts behind her recommendations. These suggestions are for reasons backed by science. Yadda yadda.

So, despite this being completely against my nature, I tried it.

And… I don’t just “try” things one or two times before I make a decision. I typically stick to something for quiiiiite a while before forming an opinion. I give it a real go.

So, I did.

I formulated my own routine based on Mel’s guidelines and a general “Miracle Morning” outline.

My morning routine would go like this…

  1. Wake up at a ridiculous hour
  2. Personal hygiene (brush teeth, wash face, hydrate)
  3. Meditation
  4. Affirmations
  5. Visualization
  6. Exercise (I created different routines for each day of the week)
  7. Review daily schedule (created the night before)
  8. Journal (gratitude, etc.)
  9. Personal development (aka reading)

ALL before the kids woke up and ALL before I checked my phone.

I did this for AN ENTIRE YEAR.

What I noticed in my personal and business life (maybe more success, happiness, or productivity?!):

  1. Nadda
  2. Zilch
  3. Diddly squat
  4. Zippo
  5. Nothing

OK, maybe I did notice something: annoyance at waking up so early.

So, there you have it.

Despite tons of people telling me this is important, despite wanting to feel like a real adult, despite even wanting to be “that person”… I’m just not.

I’m that scientific anomaly.

I love my sleep. I’m a night hawk. Always have been. Always will be.

Society tells us “the early bird gets the worm”.

Society considers going to bed early and waking up early to be responsible and productive… Yet going to bed late and waking up late is considered lazy and irresponsible.


Do what works for you. Do what feels right for you.

I went back to sleeping WITH my phone beside me, checking it almost first thing in the morning, sleeping in longer (if you can count 6:00 am on weekdays as sleeping in)… And I am thriving!

Who else is with me?! Ay, where my night hawks at?!


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Trisha Zook
Trisha Zook

Trisha Zook is a fun-loving work from home mom who specializes in helping people save time, eat great food and live thriving lives. Click Here To Learn More