My Starfrit Cherry Pitter Tool Review
Starfrit cherry pitter

Pit cherries quickly (and mess free) with this gadget

It took me a total of 6 minutes, at a very leisurely pace, to pit all of these cherries.

Why?! Well… Let’s start from the beginning.

I have an odd confession. 

While I consider myself somewhat well informed on basic general knowledge…

Until a few years ago, I didn’t know cherry pits contained cyanide and were potentially dangerous.

Like… Not. A. Clue.

My children would eat cherries (with pits) and I didn’t give it a second thought.

Until I saw this article titled “A man ate three cherry pits. Then he got cyanide poisoning and almost died”.

Yeah. Pretty dang to-the-point and attention grabbing, dontcha think?!

My jaw hit the floor. Images of putting my children in danger (innocently eating cherries) flashed through my mind. All the drama. All the mom guilt.

So, with that, I knew I needed a cherry pitting tool

This one was recommended by a friend.

It pits 6 cherries at once with one movement, is inexpensive, easy to use, with very little clean up.

I give it 5 stars! 

Simply place cherries, close/press, and voila!
cherry pitter toolcherry pitter tool
Best way to pit cherries!

Like me, you’ve likely seen other hacks around, such as…

  • paperclip
  • chopstick
  • straw
  • bobby pin

But you know what? Sometimes the best hack is simply buying the product intended for the job. 😛

This is one of those times.

Here is the Amazon link for the Starfrit Cherry Pitter if you’re interested in giving it a whirl: CLICK HERE

Got a better hack? Shoot me an email! 

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Trisha Zook
Trisha Zook

Trisha Zook is a fun-loving work from home mom who specializes in helping people save time, eat great food and live thriving lives. Click Here To Learn More